Good Friday
I had the opportunity to be part of the Good Friday and Easter production in church this year. My first time being on stage in church other than on the worship team (literally) and I had the chance to see many different characters from a new perspective. Good Friday signifies Jesus' death on the cross for us. because we are all sinners, even a small white lie is a sin. so, we have to pay the price for our sins. whether its lying, or stealing, or murder, a price has to be paid. but Jesus loves us so much, that he paid it all for us on the cross. the price of salvation is not cheap! it cost his life! let me tell you in all honesty, no one else would do that for you and me. The amount of pain and suffering he had to go through before dying was unbearable even for the people observing. Its not as easy as put a bullet through my head and die instantly. it is slow death. but he did it. for you and for me. all because he loves us.
Even after so many years watching the movie 'The Passion of Christ', it still overwhelms me the love Jesus has for you and me. The tears just wouldn't stop. Oohhhh how beautiful it is to be loved by somebody that much! the statement JESUS LOVES YOU empowers me more than ever now. because JESUS LOVES YOU! he is willing to go to the end of his life to pursue you. and the amazing truth is, even if you are the only human being on this earth, JESUS WILL STILL DIE FOR YOU.
Go check out the amazing movie 'THE PASSION OF CHRIST' and watch how Jesus pursued you. because his passion is YOU.
looking forward to Easter tomorrow as we celebrate his resurrection and his victory over death. and because of that, we can declare that I have the freedom to live life in abundance! because Jesus has bought me over and he has given me power over my circumstances and struggles. will you let Jesus set you free today?
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